Positive Change
Helping students create
Social & Emotional Skills
Meaningfully to the world

Carroll, A. & Bower, J. (2013, May 2 - 3). Empowering Change and Managing Complexity through Strengths-based Practice: Mindfields and the CAT-RPM. Invited Keynote Address to the Association of Counsellors in Catholic Secondary Schools Queensland at the Novotel Twin Waters Resort on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

Bower, J. & Carroll, A. (2012, November 5). Strengths-based Assessments and Interventions for Youth At-Risk: The CAT-RPM and MINDFIELDS. Invited Keynote to staff, students and invited guests presented at National Institute Of Education, Nanyang University, Singapore.

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2012, May 28). Changing directions, improving outcomes: The CAT-RPM and Mindfields as tools for positive youth development. Invited Keynote Presentation at the 2012 Internationl Graffiti Prevention Conference – the Writing’s on the Wall, Stamford Plaza Hotel, Brisbane.

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2011, March 15). Mindfields: Empowering young people to change their lives. Invited address to government and non-government organisations in crime prevention at the Mackay District Education Centre. Mackay and District Education Centre, Mackay, Queensland.

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2011, March 15). Unlocking the strengths of youth at risk: Mindfields in Practice. Invited workshop to government and non-government organisations in crime prevention at the Mackay District Education Centre. Mackay and District Education Centre, Mackay, Queensland.

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2009, April 15). Mindfields: Empowering young people to change their lives. Invited address to government and non-government organisations in Tasmania. Department of Health and Human Services, Argyle Street, Hobart, Tasmania.

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2009, March 10). Adolescents at-risk: Models, assessment tools, and interventions. Invited address to McInness Wilson Lawyers Education Seminar, UQ Business School, Level 19 Central Plaza One, Brisbane.

Carroll, A. & Bower, J. (2008, April 24). Mindfields: An Intervention to Help Disadvantaged Youth. Invited address to Area Managers at the Life Without Barriers, LWB State Office, Springwood.

Carroll, A. & Bower, J. (2007, October 26). Mindfields: Empowering Young People to Change their Lives. Invited address at the Safer Toowoomba Partnership Inc., City Hall, Toowoomba.

Carroll, A. (2007, October 22). Education and Health Working Together to Meet the Needs of Adolescents At Risk. Invited keynote address at the Annual Hospital Schools Advisory Council Forum, Mater Hospital, Des O’Callaghan Auditorium, Brisbane.

Carroll, A. (2007, October 10). Problem-based learning for Master of Educational Studies students studying youth at-risk. Invited address to the staff of the School of Education, University of Queensland, Brisbane.

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2007, August 2). Mindfields: The empowerment of young people at-risk through a self-regulatory intervention. An invited address at the Youth At Risk Alliance Conference: Effective responses to youth at risk. Crown Plaza Royal Pines, Gold Coast.

Bower, J. & Carroll, A. (2007, July 26). The empowerment of young people at risk through a self-regulatory intervention. Invited address at the Churches of Christ Annual Managers Meeting, Kenmore.

Carroll, A. (2007, July 3). Mindfields: Empowering Young People At Risk. Invited address at the Youth. Think Tank Forum, Office of Crime Prevention, Hilton Hotel, Perth.

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2007, May 3). Mindfields™: The Empowerment of Young People At-Risk Through a Self-Regulatory Intervention. Invited address at the Engaging Ideas Presentation, Department of Communities, Brisbane.

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2006, November 2). Mindfields™: A self-regulatory intervention empowering young people at-risk. Invited address to Business meeting and Professional Development for Guidance Officers, Rydges Hotel, South Bank, Brisbane.

Carroll, A., Bower, J., & McLean, J. (2006, October 5). Mindfields: A self-regulatory intervention empowering young people at risk. Invited address to Youth Community and Government Agencies, Maryborough Police Station.

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2006, September, 11). Mindfields™: Changing lives through self-regulatory interventions A new approach. Invited address to staff from the Key Center for Ethics, Law, Justice, and Governance. Mt Gravatt campus, Griffith University, Brisbane.

Carroll, A., Bower, J., & Hemingway, F. (2006, September 25). Mindfields™: A self-regulatory intervention for at-risk youths. Invited address at the School of Education Alumni Conference. The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane.

Carroll, A. (2006, May 3). Mindfields™: A Self-Regulatory Intervention for Young People At-Risk. Invited address at the Annual Event for the Centre for Attention and Related Disorders, Hew Roberts Lecture Theatre, University of Western Australia, Perth.

Carroll, A., Bower, J., & Hemingway, F. (2005, July 22). Mindfields™: A self-regulatory intervention for young people at risk. Invited address to the College of Educational and Developmental psychologists, Caroline Chisholm Centre, Dutton Park.

Carroll, A., & Houghton, S., (2014). KooLKIDS – A School-based Re-engagement Program for Young Children with Early Onset Conduct Disorder. Symposium paper to be presented at the 28th International Congress for Applied Psychology, Paris, France.

Bower, J. & Carroll, A., van Kraayenoord & Gillies, R. (2014, July 13 - 15). Teacher Perceptions of Social Connectedness: An Australian Case Study To be presented at the 28th International Congress for Applied Psychology, Paris, France.

Bower & Carroll, A. (July, 2014). An Online Contextualised Assessment Tool for Risk and Protection Management - Emerging Strengths-Based Strategies for High Risk Adolescents. Symposium paper to be presented at the 28th International Congress for Applied Psychology, Paris, France.

Houghton, S., Carroll, A., & Tan, C. (2014). Conceptualising and Preventing Adolescent Loneliness. Symposium paper to be presented at the 28th International Congress for Applied Psychology, Paris, France.

Lewis, J., Gillies, R., Carroll, A., & Dodd, B. (2013, 24 June). “I don’t want to go to school” What is the nature of communication disorders in students with school refusal behaviour? Paper presented at the Speech Pathology Australia National Conference, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Broadbeach, Queensland.

Bower, J. & Carroll, A. (2013, June 3 - 5). Rethinkinging Youth at-Risk: What’s going right? Presented at the 5th Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2012, November 2).  Getting Hooked on Sports or the Arts:  Examining the connectedness of youth who participate in sport and creative arts activities. Presented at 1st International Conference on Behavioural and Social Science Research (ICBSSR) Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Perak Campus), Malaysia.

Carroll, A., Bower, J., & Ashman, A. (2011, November 25). Developing the CAT-RPM for use as part of a strengths-based case management system for personal growth: Application in schools. Paper presented at the 2011 APS College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists National Conference Theory to Practice: Positive Development and Wellbeing. Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne, Victoria.

Carroll, A. (2010, 15 July). Trajectories to Delinquency: The significance of reputational orientations to primary, high school and incarcerated adolescent loners and non loners. Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne, Victoria.

Houghton, S., & Carroll, A. (2010, 15 July). Psychopathic-like traits and aggression in high school loner and non loner delinquent/non delinquents. Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne, Victoria.

Bower, J., & Carroll, A. (2010, 14 July). The Contextualised Assessment Tool for Risk and Protection Management: Validation and Evaluation of a Scale for Examining the Strengths of Youth At-Risk. Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne, Victoria.

Lynn, S., & Carroll, A. (2010, April 29). Social Emotional  and Behaviour  Disorders. Paper presented at the Association of Catholic School Counsellors Conference Queensland. Novotel Twin Waters, Maroochydore, Queensland.

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2009, April 17). The Mindfields model of change: Empowering young people to build on their strengths and take control of their lives. Paper presented at the Australian Guidance and Counselling Association National Conference. Wrest Point Conference Centre, Hobart, Tasmania.

Bower, J., & Carroll, A. (2009, April 17). Unlocking the strengths of youth at-risk: The construction and preliminary validation of the CAT-RPM. Paper presented at the Australian Guidance and Counselling Association National Conference. Wrest Point Conference Centre, Hobart, Tasmania.

Houghton, S., Carroll, A., Tan, C., & Bower, J. (2008, July 19). Developmental trajectories to delinquency and severe antisocial behaviour: The significance of reputational orientations and self-regulation to children and adolescents. Symposium presented at the International Conference for Education, Society and Economics. Novotel Eiffel Tower.

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2008, July 19). Mindfields™: A self-regulatory intervention empowering young persons at-risk. Symposium presented at the International Conference for Education, Society and Economics. Novotel Eiffel Tower, 17-19 July.

Bower, J., & Carroll, A. (2008, July 19). Self-regulatory strategies and school engagement in offending and non-offending adolescents. Symposium presented at the International Conference for Education, Society and Economics. Novotel Eiffel Tower, 17-19 July.

Carroll, A., & Bower, J. (2007, August 2). Mindfields: The empowerment of young people at-risk through a self-regulatory intervention. An invited address at the Youth At Risk Alliance Conference: Effective responses to youth at risk. Crown Plaza Royal Pines, Gold Coast.

Carroll, A., Hemingway, F., & Bower, J. (2006, November). Mindfields™: A self-regulatory intervention empowering young people at risk. Paper presented at the 5th Australian and New Zealand Adolescent Health Conference, Sydney.

Carroll, A., Hemingway, F., & Bower, J. (2006, July). Mindfields™: A self-regulatory intervention empowering young people at-risk. Symposium paper presented at the 44th International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Conference, Melbourne.

Bower, J., Carroll, A., & Hemingway, F. (2006, July). Schooling experiences of at-risk young people: The role of self-regulation. Symposium paper presented at the 44th International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Conference, Melbourne.

Carroll, A., & Purdie, N. (2005, September). Extra-curricular involvement and self-regulation in children. Paper presented at the Australian Psychological Society 40th Annual Conference, Melbourne, 28 September to 2 October, 2005.

Law, P., Cuskelly, M., Carroll, A., & Bahr, M. (2005, July). Children’s perceptions of connectedness to family, peers, and school and their adjustment. Paper presented at the Children and Young People as Citizens: Participation, Provision and Protection Conference, Children’s Issues Centre, University of Otago, New Zealand, 7-10 July, 2005.

Carroll, A., Bower, J., & Ashman, A. (2005, June). MINDFIELDS™  A self-regulatory intervention: Challenges, choices and changes to empower young Indigenous offenders. Paper presented at the Our Shared Future 2005 Conference, Brisbane Youth Detention Centre, Brisbane, June 7, 2005.