Positive Change
Helping students create
Social & Emotional Skills
Meaningfully to the world

How does the MINDFIELDS suite of resources work?

Mindfields encompasses a strengths-based approach to student wellbeing that targets schoolwide practices, teacher and student education. It uses evidence-based assessment, and innovative resources to engage students and explicitly teach the skills to understand and manage the self in relation to others.

The major goal of the program is to provide a strengths-based approach to assist high school students, especially those who may be disengaging from school, to develop positive emotions, character, and engagement towards social and emotional wellbeing and improved learning outcomes. Importantly the program aims to help high school students consider the consequences of their behaviour, set goals and remain focussed on them, understand their emotions, develop optimistic thinking styles, improve their decision-making and social problem-solving skills, and manage day-to-day conflict in a positive way. Targeted skills are self-awareness through mindfulness, values and goals, emotional self-regulation, learning to work cooperatively with others and building healthy relationships. Students also work towards a group goal using the skills they have learned to create positive changes.

Mindfields – HS:

  • is Australian-based;
  • demonstrates theory-practice links through providing highly engaging materials to young people with low literacy and poor motivation;
  • is novel and innovative;
  • uses animation scenarios to teach social problem solving and conflict resolution;
  • incorporates interviews from local personalities and community members about life issues and how to deal with them;
  • takes a comprehensive approach to the problems of young people to change their behaviour;
  • includes a screening and evaluation process, pre- and post-program, that provides a thorough assessment of a young person’s progress; and,
  • has been designed with the input of high school students and teachers.